I’m always on the lookout for something that will make a difference, then I came across Marko. I had to share. 

As an educator and parenting coach, I have always believed in the power of positive discipline and effective communication. When I first entered the classroom, I was given a piece of advice that completely transformed my approach to teaching and parenting. I was told, “No matter how challenging things get, you are not allowed to yell at the kids. Ever.”

At first, I was skeptical. How could I maintain control and authority without raising my voice? But as I delved deeper into the philosophy behind this approach, I realized that it was not only possible but also incredibly beneficial for both the children and myself.

In the institution where I worked, yelling, threats, and physical punishments were strictly prohibited. This forced me to find alternative ways to address misbehavior and foster a positive learning environment. It was not an easy task, especially when faced with a classroom full of energetic and sometimes defiant children.

However, I saw this challenge as an opportunity for growth, both as an educator and as a person. I understood that if I could find a way to connect with the children, earn their trust, and effectively communicate my expectations, their behavior would improve, and our classroom environment would thrive.

So, I embarked on a journey of self-reflection and continuous improvement. Every day, I would analyze my interactions with the children, identifying areas where I felt powerless and situations where I didn’t know how to respond. I made a list of these challenges and sought solutions through various avenues.

I read countless parenting books and research studies, seeking insights into effective discipline strategies. I sought guidance from experienced colleagues, engaging in meaningful conversations to learn from their experiences. I even turned to movies, observing how fictional parents managed to gain their children’s cooperation. Through trial and error, I began implementing new ideas and techniques, aiming to improve by just 1% each day.

Gradually, I noticed a shift in the children’s behavior. They became more receptive to my guidance, and our classroom dynamic transformed. I had built trust with them in a gentle yet firm manner, and they saw me as a guiding authority figure. This success extended beyond the classroom, as I applied the same principles in raising my own children.

By never resorting to yelling or raising my voice, I established a healthy and respectful relationship with my children. We developed strong bonds, and they grew up to become responsible and well-adjusted adults. I am proud to have given them the childhood they deserve, free from the negative experiences I had as a child.

Word of my success spread, and soon, I found myself hosting workshops for other educators and parents. The techniques I had learned and honed over the years became valuable tools for those seeking to create a positive and nurturing environment for their children.

Today, I want to share three of these no-yelling tools that have made a significant impact in my journey:


  1. Quiet Speech: Instead of raising your voice, speak softly and calmly when you need to get your child’s attention. Maintain eye contact and use the same tone of voice for both positive and negative situations.


  1. Shoulder Tap: If your child is engaged in an activity, gently tap their shoulder to signal that you require their attention. This non-verbal cue will help them focus on your message without disrupting their current task.


  1. The No-Yelling Policy: Establish a “No-Yelling Policy” in your home, eliminating unnecessary yelling that occurs due to distance. Instead of shouting from another room, approach your child, get into their “talking distance,” and use quiet speech and shoulder taps to communicate effectively.

By implementing these tools, you can reduce yelling in your home and create a calmer and more respectful environment for your family. These techniques are just the beginning, and there are additional strategies for specific situations and age groups that can further enhance your parenting journey.

Remember, change takes time, and the goal is not for your children to behave perfectly overnight. Be patient with yourself and your children, and focus on progress rather than perfection. With these no-yelling tools, you can foster positive communication and build stronger connections with your children.

If you are interested in learning more about effective parenting strategies, I encourage you to explore the wealth of knowledge and resources available on Marko Juhant’s website. As a parenting coach and bestselling author, he offers online courses and downloadable books that can provide valuable insights and guidance on your parenting journey.

Parenting doesn’t come with a manual, but with the right tools and mindset, we can create a nurturing and supportive environment for our children. Let us embrace the power of positive communication and leave yelling behind for good.

– One of the books available on his site are :

Best-Selling Parenting Expert Reveals a NEW Counterintuitive Approach to Help Kids With ADHD Become Focused and Calm

Help Your Child THRIVE With ADHD, Unlock Their Hyperfocus State, Stop Losing Attention, Independently Complete Their Chores and Schoolwork And Minimize Their Impulsive Outbursts – WITHOUT Dangerous Medication, Expensive Therapy or ADHD Accessories

For parents of kids who just don’t listen…

An Effective Psychological Approach To Get Your Kids To Listen – In 14 Days (Or Less)

Use Heroic Authority to break through your child’s “importance filter” and get them to listen and cooperate… Without repeating yourself, yelling, threats and punishments.

I hope it helps –